In the last couple of years spirits have entered the market the most famous one of course is Seedlip but there are plenty more. I tend to avoid this spirits as they are very expensive and I can't get my head around what you are paying for.

Seedlip ★★★★


This is pretty good! You can tell by the fact that most of the bottle has gone. It works as a general white spirit replacement and I used it as a Gin replacement. With the tonics in place and the garnish it was pretty realistic. This would be great for a non alcoholic cocktail. It comes in several flavours.

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Seedlip, the leaf one 

Seedlip leaf one

So we drank it and would drink it again but it had a flavour we couldn't put our finger on at all. We finally worked it out and it isn't at all complementary. To us it tasted like a slightly soggy lettuce, tomato, mayo sandwich on granary bread. Sorry Seedlip. But then I would eat a slighly soggy sandwich with those items so not all bad!

Kopparberg ★★★


Okay don't judge me but some days you need to drink on a hangover this is always my segway back into a day of booze on say a hen party because the alcoholic version is so easy to drink. The non alcoholic version is just as good it tastes so similar. If this is your favorite alcoholic drink you are very lucky.

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Gordons Gin and Tonic, Grapefruit ★★★★★


Delicious! Really good and realistic. As husband said 'That is quiet believable'.


Old Mout ★★★

Old Mout

If this is your poison you are in luck as you can barely tell the difference. Personally I think they are too sweet but very drinkable.